Gatekeeper training is a term which embodies the practice of educating the TCNJ community on how to recognize, approach, and support a person who may be struggling with mental health issues or might be at risk of suicide. The training developed at TCNJ includes information (data, trends) on the mental health concerns of college students both nationally and specifically at the college, suggestions for how to engage students in a conversation about mental health, college protocols around mental health concerns, local and college resources for mental health related concerns, and suggestions on how to refer students for support and help. The training is generally one hour in length and at the completion of the training, a certificate is awarded. The college encourages all members of the community to take the training every 2-3 years.
Counseling and Prevention Services will offer Gatekeeper Training designed specifically for the Students, Faculty, and Staff each semester. Training can also be requested for specific departments or groups on campus. Both in-person and virtual trainings are available. For those who missed the training or may want a refresher course on Gatekeeper Training, slides from the training are available below or by contacting Beverly Mason, DSW, Director of CAPS. E: masonb@tcnj.edu P: (609) 771-2247
Gatekeeper Training for Faculty, Staff, and Students.
The Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) (Screener/Triage Version) is a simple, 6-question assessment of suicidal thinking and behavior to help first responders, faculty and staff identify students in psychological crisis that might need immediate intervention. The C-SSRS is evidence-based and easy to administer for non-mental health trained campus members.
The TCNJ Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Task Force offers annual training on the administration of the C-SSRS and by request. For those who missed the training or who may want a refresher course on the administration of the C-SSRS, there is online training available (see below).
- The online training module for the C-SSRS can be accessed HERE.
Under VIDEO DOWNLOADS click on the link for the shorter C-SSRS screener. - 19-minute Screener Training by Kelly Posner on youtube can be accessed HERE